I love to find old wool sweaters and felt them for crafts. The bodies of the sweater provide nice big sections to use, but the sleeves taper, have a seam on one side and a crease on the other. One of my earlier posts mentioned my lack of cold weather gear. I was thrilled to find theses mammoth scrapers at the grocery store last week! No weenie little scraper that fits in your glove box, no ma'am!
The mitten/glove supply is dismal at our house, but I can only knit so fast. How to keep hands warm and dry while shoveling snow and scraping ice? ICE SCRAPER COZIES! I cut small holes(felt does not ravel) along the cuffs and threaded bias tape through the holes tying them around the handles. Warm dry hands and scraped windows... hooray!
only you, mary gresh, could come up with such a creative idea! awesome